Sunday, January 9, 2011

Scratching the Itch

About a month ago I had an urge to paint. It's an urge I rarely feel but I had some free time and decided to go with it. After a quick trip to the local art supply store I returned home with a handful of Winsor & Newton acrylics and got busy scratching the itch.

This painting now brightens my living room.

On an 18" x 36" canvas, this was the result. The only constraint I gave myself was that this painting was going to brighten the blank wall above my living room couch. With some great tunes in the background I spent a few hours and just had fun learning to paint again.

The second painting in my recent spree.

Within a few days I was back at the art supply store adding to my new collection of acrylics. This piece (18" x 24") started to resemble the sun pretty early on. I liked the direction and went with it.

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